Microsoft Office Word 2016 – Custom Dictionaries

I don’t know about you but I regularly add word to my “spelling checker” mainly to get rid of the red-wave-underlining that clutters the main mistakes. So, I add names of people and other words, but sometimes I add a wrong word and now need to remove it from the dictionary.

This is how to get to and modify your Custom Dictionary:

1. Open the proofing options:

· In most Office programs: Click File > Options > Proofing.

· In Outlook: Click File > Options > Mail > Spelling and Autocorrect Proofing.

· In InfoPath: Click Home > Spelling > Check Spelling Options.

2. Make sure the Suggest from main dictionary only check box is cleared.

3. Click Custom Dictionaries.

All dictionaries (if you have more than one) are listed here, with the default dictionary at the top.

Published on: Sep 4, 2018 on  my WordPress site

Uninstalling Antivirus and Malware Program’s

A member of the U3A group had asked me to come and fix her Windows-7 PC. It was slow and sometimes it seemed to hang, plus sometimes she couldn’t get to her web-mail. So, I went, and saw that she Avast antivirus and malware program fighting with MSE for supremacy. Out came my memory stick (a necessary tool for carrying software that is possibly needed) and I started with loading CCleaner and while that was loading I recalled from somewhere deep in my memory that to uninstall Avast you needed to download a a uninstallation programme from Avast. So, we then downloaded the Avast uninstaller onto her desktop and started it, it started nicely with the usual prompts like: “are you sure …” of course I was otherwise I wouldn’t have gone through with the download! After having given permission to carry on I was then told that the uninstaller needed to be run from “safe mode” would I like it to switch to that? And it made the switch and even continued the uninstallation. When that was finished it prompted me to let it restart and restore to normal windows. Once back to the desktop I ran CCleaner to do a registry clean-up.

Then rebooted the PC and started CCleaner again. This time I wanted to see what was left behind in the Startup’s (Tools, Startup) and I also removed some unnecessary background runs (bear in mind that there are 3 different tabs here: ‘Windows’, ‘Scheduled Tasks’ & ‘Context Menu’.

Don’t delete any unwanted actions just “Disable” the ones you think you don’t need!

And a week later I received this recommendation:

Many, many thanks for all the assistance and help you gave me with my computer.
It was more than helpful.
Also my computer is less sluggish now.
Now that was nice, I don’t always get feedback and it made me feel good.

Published on: Sep 4, 2018 on my WordPress site.