Marlis Rodio
About PC-How2
My aim is to provide you with some computer awareness! I will teach you how to use a PC and how to “tame the beast”, so you need not be afraid of using a PC and you will become excited by its potential. I can come to you and teach you on your own PC or you can come to me and use one of mine. I teach individuals or small groups of maximum 3 persons.-
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Category Archives: General
Microsoft Exchange Server in Outlook 2010
I noticed that I was receiving email on my mobile that I wasn’t receiving on my desktop through Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 Pro. The last mail I had received was on the 9th of July.I searched high and low (for … Continue reading
Scanning (using Canon EX) and create a JPG file
A friend of mine wanted to scan in a picture to publish it onto Facebook.The all-in-one used was a Canon MG2100. As each of the “Canon Solution Menu EX” works slightly different so I had to listen to what they … Continue reading
I have just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
It all started after I successfully installed Ubuntu on a XP laptop; it’s cd/dvd player didn’t work and because of the way Ubuntu installs (from boot up) I couldn’t use an external dvd player; but had to make a bootable … Continue reading
How to revive an old XP-PC to a useful PC
First you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it – for instance: has it got enough memory (2gb or more) is the processor good enough (2mhz or better) is there 6gb or more free disk space on your hard … Continue reading
Just a Snippet I came across
How many times have you wanted to be able to cut just a little piece out of a screen display, be it from an advert, an internet picture or just some text somewhere on your screen? Up till now … Continue reading
My bad start to 2016
Happy 2016 – I wish you all a successful and prosperous year. Now that I have started ‘working’ again – IT-buddy at the library today was a waste of time as nobody turned up. So my two hours reserved for … Continue reading
Windows 7 Gadgets
Have you ever lost your Win7 gadgets? You went out in the morning and they were there, you came back late and they were gone! Swear, swear! How to get them back? This might work; at least it did for … Continue reading
Just another week as an IT-buddy
My first student on Wednesday was a partial sighted young man who had problems with the settings on his laptop. Especially as he could/can only sit at the laptop for about an hour at the most. I was auto-upgraded to … Continue reading
A great tool “Windows Live Writer”
I was downloading Microsoft’s “Windows Essentials for a user who uses “Windows Live Mail” and as I, when installing only what the user needed, noticed a program I hadn’t seen before: “Windows Live Writer” as well as the usual “Photo … Continue reading
Microsoft Movie Maker
Have you ever on your smart-phone or your camera shot a whole movie upside down or sideways? When you came to look at it you could have cried! What do you do now? Don’t worry; Microsoft can help you here. … Continue reading