This is the scenario:
- You get a phone call late morning or early afternoon – that pretends to be from BT, SKY, or somewhere popular yearly subscription service; informing you that your contract or insurance is close to expire.
- They friendly ask if you would like to continue the contract and then offer you to upgrade there and then (MISTAKE)!
- They even say they have your card details from last year, and can you please confirm that the card-number starts (not ending) with 4159. And of course, this is incorrect so you automatically change the card number to the correct one (MISTAKE)!
- They might even be cheeky and snail-mail you an invoice asking you to send a cheque, as your payment didn’t go through. So, you do (MISTAKE)!
- A week later you might get another snail-mail informing you that if you don’t pay they will send the debt-collectors to you.
DON’T RESPOND! Either hang up or say “Sorry I can’t speak now; can I have your name and number please, so that I can call you back”. 90% of the time they will hang up.
Then phone the company in question and query the call/writ. It is most likely a forgery and a scam.
Then report the number and name to the fraud police.