Windows 7 Gadgets


Have you ever lost your Win7 gadgets?

You went out in the morning and they were there,
you came back late and they were gone!

Swear, swear!
How to get them back?
This might work; at least it did for me.

  1. Type “windows feature” in ‘the search programs’ on the Start menu.
  2. Select “Turn Windows features on or off”.
  3. Wait while windows collect all the information
  4. Scroll down to “Windows Gadget Platform”
  5. If it is ticked, un-tick it and reboot your PC.
    then repeat step 1-4 and go to step 6.
  6. If it is un-ticked, tick it and reboot your PC.
  7. This time – after the final reboot your gadgets should be back.


About Marlis

My aim is to provide you with some computer awareness! I will teach you how to use a PC and how to “tame the beast”, so you need not be afraid of using a PC and you will become excited by its potential. I can come to you and teach you on your own PC or you can come to me and use one of mine. I teach individuals or small groups of maximum 3 persons.
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